An Introduction

The mystery club listings for 2024 are up now!  The theme of Most Colourful Creatures is continuing for another year, and you can find the listings here.

Current Production Time:  Please note that I'm currently home with a preschooler, and a lot of my time is taken with all the care that age brings.  Custom order listings are available, but please know it might take longer to complete custom requests.  

Current Shipping Times: I am currently able to get to the post office about once a week, so ready to ship items are going out in 3-7 days.  Thank you for your understanding!


Note: All prices in the shop are shown in US dollars

CANADIAN CUSTOMERS: If you want to avoid the exchange, I have now enabled the 'check/money order' payment option in my cart.  You can use this to place your order on the site, but pay by e-transfer or credit card through square.  Just let me know your preference in the notes upon check out and I will contact you with further instruction.

Canadian customers who wish to pay by paypal will still receive a refund after purchase to adjust for the exchange rate.


New!!! I am now able to vacuum seal my yarn for shipping, so shipping rates for yarn have dropped for Canadian destinations.

 A reminder that if you don't see a ready made bag in the shop that you love, I will gladly take custom orders.  Just send me a message with the types of themes you enjoy and I'll see what I can do!

Welcome to Bling Your String!

I've been a jewellery designer for many years and after the knitting bug bit me hard in 2008 I began using those skills to make my own stitch markers. A new sewing hobby slowly led me to making my own project bags and in 2010 I decided to open a shop offering my items to others. I only make and sell items that I would want to use myself, and enjoy using my art background to coordinate fabrics and beads together in a unique and pleasing way.

My part time endeavor became full time when my husband and I moved to a rural area and we welcomed our little girl in 2011.  She is a constant joy and enthusiastic 'helper', and one of the only babies I know who said 'bead' as a first word.  It is your support that continues to allow me to stay home with her, so thank you!

I ALWAYS welcome custom orders and customer satisfaction is my primary goal.  I will work with you to create a product you love and will enjoy using for years to come.

Please be advised that my items ship from my home studio located near Toronto, ON, Canada.  If you have concerns/questions about shipping times check out the FAQ link at the bottom of the page. 


I hope you enjoy my shop!